SGA Family Advent Mass December 11th
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Just a reminder that our Family Advent Mass is this Wednesday, December 11: ...
What’s up @ SGA December 9-13
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): I hope that you have had a restful and happy weekend. Here is...
Wednesday, November 27th is Picture Re-Take Day!
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Just a reminder that Wednesday, November 27th is Picture Re-take Day!...
CSC December Initiatives – Ornaments and Family Movie Night
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Catholic School Council has planned Christmas initiatives: Personalized Christmas Ornaments (on display beginning...
Reminder -Poinsettias and Spirit Wear
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): This is to let you know that: The last day for Poinsettia sales...
November Newsletter
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Attached is the newsletter for November: SGA November Newsletter For your convenience, the...