
SGA April Newsletter

Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s): Attached, please find the April Newsletter (which has also been sent...

Hot Lunch Make Up Days

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Due to inclement weather, several hot lunches were cancelled over the Winter months...

What’s Up @ SGA March 25th-29th

What’s Up @ SGA March 25th-29th: Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Here is a list of events and...

Reminders for March 21st:

Just a reminder that tomorrow – Thursday, March 21st is World Down’s Syndrome Day and...

March Newsletter

Dear Parent(s)/Guardians: Although previously sent via email, the March newsletter is also attached here for...

What’s Up at SGA? March 4th-8th

Here is a summary of this week’s events at SGA: Tuesday, March 5th: Shrove Tuesday:...