What’s Up? Feb. 19-22
It’s Carnaval/Carnevale Week @ SGA! What’s Up? February 19th-22nd: Dear Parent(s)/Guardians: I hope that you had...
Valentine’s Civvies Day
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Just a reminder that tomorrow, February 14th is a special Valentine’s civvies Day...
Monday, February 4th is National Sweater Day!
Sweater Day is a day to start thinking and talking about energy conservation. It reminds us...
January 2019 Newsletter
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): The newsletter for January 2019 is attached below. It has been sent via...
Reminders for Jan. 14-18
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): This week January 14th-18th: Hot lunches resume Healthy Snacks resume (on Thursday) CSC...
SGA December Newsletter 2018
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Attached, please find the SGA December Newsletter. For your convenience, it has also...