
Bucket Drumming Presentation – June 13

Please join us on June 13th at 1:15 in the gym to listen to students...

Loonies & Toonies Civvies Day Friday, June 9th

We will have a fundraising loonies and toonies Civvies Day this Friday, June 9th to...

CSC Meeting June 7

Please join us for the last Catholic School Council meeting for the school year at...

Helping our Children Cope With Stress

Last night, Dr. Soula Homatidis, Chief Psychologist for YCDSB presented at St. Gabriel to parents...

Catholic Education Week May 1 to 5th

This year’s theme for Catholic Education Week is “Walking Forward Together”.  There will be a...

Paul Davis Presentation on Social Networking & Online Safety

Please come out and join us on May 8th.  Paul Davis will be speaking to...