Monday Ocotber 31 Halloween Dance at SGA

Students may wear their costumes to school on Monday, October 31. For safety reasons, we are asking students NOT to wear masks with their costumes. As well, all costumes must be appropriate and in keeping with our Catholic values and faith.  A reminder that guns, swords and any other weapons are not permitted.

Please do not send candy or food loot bags or treats for students, in keeping with our Anaphylaxis Safe School procedures.

The Halloween Dance is not a fundraiser this year.  Thank you to parent council for covering the cost of the dance and one water bottle per child using fundraised dollars.

Dance times in the gym

9:00 – 9:40 JK and SK
9:40 – 10:20 Grades 1 and 2
10:20 – 10:35 RECESS
10:35 – 11:15 Grades 3 and 4
11:15 – 12:00 Grades 5 and 6
12:00 -1:00 LUNCH
1:00 – 2:20 Grades 7 and 8
2:20 – 2:35 RECESS
2:35 – 3:30 Open to Grs. 5 to 8

All visitors are kindly reminded to sign in at the office, as well a reminder that taking photos of other children is strictly prohibited.