First Communion Retreat Date
Grade 2 families are reminded to mark their calendars to attend the First Holy Communion Retreat which will take place on Sunday, March 5th. No registration is required for the retreat.
Grade 2 families are reminded to mark their calendars to attend the First Holy Communion Retreat which will take place on Sunday, March 5th. No registration is required for the retreat.
Grade 7 students are reminded that they must attend the Confirmation Retreat at Immaculate Conception Parish which will take place on Saturday, February 25th for St. Gabriel students. No registration is required for the retreat.
Hold the date of February 21 for St. Gabriel’s 3rd Annual Family Skate Night. A letter will be sent home soon outlining all of the details including time, location and other important information. Hope you will be able to join in on the fun!
Please join us for our monthly Character Awards Assembly which will take place at 9:00 on Wednesday, January 11 in the gym. We will be presenting awards earned during the month of December for the virtue of HOPE. January’s virtue of Unity will be introduced.
JK Registration began on January 9, 2017 for School year 2017/ 2018
To register your child(ren) for September 2017, you must provide the following original documents/forms for each child:
New Hot Lunch order forms were sent home before the Christmas break. These orders and payment are due to the school on Wednesday, January 11th. Please send one form and one cheque per child. Thank you for your continued support!