Category: General

YCDSB’s Multi-Year Financial Recovery Plan

Dear York Catholic District School Board Families,

The Board of Trustees and Senior Team are dedicated to the sound financial management of the money entrusted to us by the public. Unfortunately, the York Catholic DSB has faced several financial challenges in recent years, including declining school enrolment in our elementary schools, inadequate funding for special education, and rising transportation and IT infrastructure costs. ... Continue reading "YCDSB’s Multi-Year Financial Recovery Plan"

2024 Lenten Mass

On March 21, 2024 the York Catholic District School Board celebrated the third annual board-wide Lenten Mass of Renewal and Reconciliation. Livestreamed to the board’s 50,000 students, the Mass featured the talented students of St Edward Catholic Elementary School and St Brother Andre Catholic High School, in Markham, who performed the music and helped with the readings.

The celebrant was Bishop ... Continue reading "2024 Lenten Mass"

Lenten Food Drive

“To live as true children of God means to love our neighbour and 

       to be close to those who are lonely and in difficulty.”

                                      -Pope Francis-

Dear St. Gabriel the Archangel CES Community,

As we prepare our hearts for the joy of Easter Morning, the community of St. Gabriel ... Continue reading "Lenten Food Drive"