Mon. Dec. 11 – Wear Red for TFC’s win
In honour of TFC’s (Toronto Football Club) victory in winning the MLS Cup, we encourage students to wear red to show our pride and support of the team’s well deserved win.
In honour of TFC’s (Toronto Football Club) victory in winning the MLS Cup, we encourage students to wear red to show our pride and support of the team’s well deserved win.
The December Newsletter has been emailed to all families. It is also posted on this site under – Parents – Newsletters. Please note the following events for December:
Dec. 4—St. Elizabeth Band and Choir performs at SGA—9:00 a.m.
Dec. 8—Virtue Assembly—1:00p.m.
December 19th—Advent Mass at 9:15a.m. in the gym
December 20th—Colossus Theatre to see “The Star” Movie—9:00 ... Continue reading "December Newsletter"
Please see the attached information on our upcoming Family Bingo Night. Please RSVP by Nov. 22. Hope to see everyone there! Bingo November 2017 with food ordering
Dear Parents/Guardians,
There are two reminders for tomorrow, firstly it is a Civvies Day for students. They don’t have to wear their Standardized Dress Code. Secondly, an Interview Request form was sent home on Wednesday informing you that students will be given an opportunity on Friday, Nov. 17 to book interviews with their teachers. Please send these completed request forms to school with ... Continue reading "Nov. 17 is a Civvies Day & Interview Booking Day"
Please join us tomorrow, Nov. 9 at 10:40 in the gym for our annual Remembrance Day Assembly. Please sign in at the office. Hope to see you tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 7th is Picture Retake Day for students who were absent on the first picture day or for those who are not pleased with their photos.