Tuesday, Nov. 7 is Picture Retake Day
Tuesday, November 7th is Picture Retake Day for students who were absent on the first picture day or for those who are not pleased with their photos.
Tuesday, November 7th is Picture Retake Day for students who were absent on the first picture day or for those who are not pleased with their photos.
A reminder that there will be a Catholic School Council meeting today at 7:00pm in the library. All are welcome to attend.
A reminder that Friday, October 20th is a PA Day, there is no school for students.
In the October Newsletter Friday, October 20th was listed as a Civvies Day, but since it is a PA Day, Civvies Day will be on Thursday, Oct. 19th.
Due to the rain today, our Thanksgiving/St. Gabriel Feast Day Mass will take place at the school in the gym at 1:15pm. We hope that you will be able to join us. Please remember to sign in at the office before going to the gym.
Check out the October 2017 Newsletter click “Parents” link to view all newsletters. The newsletter has also been emailed to all parents/guardians today. If you are not receiving SGA emails, please contact the school.