Category: General

Family Movie Night A Success!

Thank you to Catholic School Council for a very successful Family Movies Night on June 1st. Even though the weather was chilly a good time was had by all who attended.  

The 24′ inflated screen was spectacular! The sights and sounds of the movie “Sing” was clear for all to hear and see! Congratulations to the following students who won $25 Restaurant Gift ... Continue reading "Family Movie Night A Success!"

Bucket Drumming Presentation – June 13

Please join us on June 13th at 1:15 in the gym to listen to students in Grades 4 to 8 display their musical talents on buckets!  Mr. Perzia has been orchestrating musical ensembles with each of his classes.  Come out and listen to the music that your child can produce with a couple of drumsticks and a plain tall bucket!

Helping our Children Cope With Stress

Last night, Dr. Soula Homatidis, Chief Psychologist for YCDSB presented at St. Gabriel to parents from the 4 PAR community of schools.  She shared her expertise and profound knowledge in the area of Helping our Children Cope with Stress.  Her presentation was followed by an informal question and answer dialogue, which parents found very useful. Her presentation materials which include some valuable resources: ... Continue reading "Helping our Children Cope With Stress"