
News Stories

Reminders for March 21st:

Just a reminder that tomorrow – Thursday, March 21st is

  1. World Down’s Syndrome Day and to honour this, students are encouraged to wear their brightest, most colourful socks – or mismatched socks to school.
  2. You are cordially invited to attend “Youth Speaks” Presentation about mental awareness tailored for parents: Flyer St. Gabriel Parent Session Youth Speaks March
  3. ... Continue reading "Reminders for March 21st:"

Valentine’s Civvies Day

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Just a reminder that tomorrow, February 14th is a special Valentine’s civvies Day. Students are encouraged to wear Valentine colours if they wish. As well, the Snack subcommittee of the CSC will be providing each child a nut free cookie from Terra Cotta as the Thursday snack. Gluten free and dairy free cookies will be available as an option.

... Continue reading "Valentine’s Civvies Day"

Monday, February 4th is National Sweater Day!

Sweater Day is a day to start thinking and talking about energy conservation. It reminds us that when we don our sweaters, we can turn the thermostat down. We can lower the amount of fuel that is needed to keep us toasty in the wintertime. Have you taken the time to think about what your energy consumption does to the environment? This is ... Continue reading "Monday, February 4th is National Sweater Day!"