
News Stories

Purple Shirt Day: Oct. 24

Tomorrow is Ontario Dress Purple Day at the York Catholic District School Board.  Dress Purple Day focuses on raising awareness about every child and youth’s right to safety and well-being in all places. Resources offered by the Children’s Aid Societies include online classroom lessons/activities that educate students about networks of support and the reasons why they may need to ask for help.  For more information:    ... Continue reading "Purple Shirt Day: Oct. 24"

Important: Hot Lunch Order for Dec. 6th (Pizza Day)

Dear Parent(s)/Guardians:
Please note that there is an additional hot lunch – pizza date of Dec. 6. If you wish to order pizza for your child(ren) on the date of Dec. 6th, please indicate this on the hot lunch form along with payment.
                                      Many thanks.

October Newsletter and Happy Thanksgiving!

  Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s):

Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. Attached, please find the October Newsletter as well as Hot Lunch Order Forms. Please note that form 2 is a gluten and dairy free option which is offered on Mondays and Wednesdays. Hot Lunch forms are due in the office no later than Wednesday, October 10. ... Continue reading "October Newsletter and Happy Thanksgiving!"