
News Stories

Jersey Day

A reminder that Thursday, April 12th is Jersey Day to express our solidarity and support for the victims of the Humboldt Broncos bus crash. SGA students are encouraged to wear a sports jersey or tee-shirt over their school dress code apparel. As this is a gesture of support, no funds are being collected for this activity.

Easter Mass @ SGA

A reminder that the SGA school community will be celebrating Easter Mass on Wednesday, April 4th.  The mass will be presided over by Father Ugo and take place in the gymnasium  @ 1:15 pm. All SGA community members are welcome to attend.

Welcome Carol Taggio!

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Please join me in welcoming Carol Taggio to the St. Gabriel Archangel school community. Mrs. Taggio will be with us in Mrs. Provato’s absence. On behalf of all the administration, office staff and teachers, I would like to wish you and your families a joyous and blessed Easter.

Ms. Sandig, Vice Principal