Happy Easter
Wishing you and your families a very Blessed Easter weekend. May the risen Christ fill your hearts with joy, bring you new hope and bless your families! From St. Gabriel Staff
Wishing you and your families a very Blessed Easter weekend. May the risen Christ fill your hearts with joy, bring you new hope and bless your families! From St. Gabriel Staff
Important Easter Mass Date Change:
The joint St. Gabriel the Archangel School and St. John Bosco Easter Mass has been re-scheduled to April 25th at 1:30. It will take place in St. Gabriel’s gym, we hope that you will be able to join us for this collaborative celebration.
Catholic School Council has a new online Hot Lunch ordering process – all orders must be submitted online. Payment is by cheque as per usual and order confirmation will be send to you the week of March 27th. the confirmation form that you receive will list all of your order details. The attachment that was sent through Synervoice email was for your reference only. Do ... Continue reading "New on-line Hot lunch Order form"
Thursday, March 23rd will be a Civvies Day since it is Sibling Photo Day. This will give students who are taking a sibling photo the opportunity to get all dressed up for their photos.
Tomorrow – Friday, March 10th is the last day of school before the March Break so we thought that we’d celebrate by having a Civvies Day. Students are not required to wear Standardized Dress Code tomorrow.
There will be a Virtue Assembly at 1:15 p.m. tomorrow – Friday, March 10th. We will be presenting students with February’s Wisdom Certificates. Parents are always welcome to attend our assemblies. A reminder to sign-in at the office before heading to the gym.