
News Stories

Friday, January 27 MuchMusic Dance-a-thon Kick-off Assembly

There will be a MuchMusic Kick-off assembly at 2:40 in the gym this Friday, January 27 for our upcoming MuchMusic Valentine’s Day Dance-a-thon.  Students will receive their pledge envelopes on Jan. 27.  All of the details regarding prizes, due dates etc. will be on the envelope.  We look forward to an exciting dance.  Thank you to our CSC members for all of their organization and ... Continue reading "Friday, January 27 MuchMusic Dance-a-thon Kick-off Assembly"

PAR Subcommittee Transition Meeting – Jan. 23 at SGA

All parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to attend and contribute to the PAR Subcommittee Transition meeting on Jan. 23, 2017 at 7:30 at St. Gabriel the Archangel School.  St.Gabriel Reps: Tony Alati and Marc Simmons will be present and they need your input, ideas and contributions.  This is a hands-on working meeting where everyone who attends will have the opportunity to provide their input ... Continue reading "PAR Subcommittee Transition Meeting – Jan. 23 at SGA"

Hot Lunches are canceled today – Jan. 17, 2017

Due to bus cancellations, hot lunches are canceled today.  The school is open.  If you choose to send your child to school today, they must bring their own lunch from home.  Just Catering for Kids will credit your account if you have ordered from them for today.  Please remember to enter your child’s absence using the automated system if they are going to be absent ... Continue reading "Hot Lunches are canceled today – Jan. 17, 2017"