
News Stories

Postponement of First Reconciliation and Lenten Reconciliation

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of Grade 2 and 7 Students:

This is to inform you that in light of COVID-19 virus and school closure until April 6th, Immaculate Conception Parish has decided to postpone until further notice the following:

  • First Reconciliation (Grade 2s originally scheduled for March 23)
  • Lenten Reconciliation (Grade 7s originally scheduled for April 2nd)

... Continue reading "Postponement of First Reconciliation and Lenten Reconciliation"

What’s Up @ SGA Feb. 18-21st

What’s Up @ SGA February 18th-21st:

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

I trust that you had the chance to enjoy the sunshine and the long weekend with loved ones.  The dance-a-thon was fantastic!  On behalf of the staff,  I would like to extend our deepest appreciation for the generosity of the community. We will be holding a final assembly February 28 and grand prizes ... Continue reading "What’s Up @ SGA Feb. 18-21st"