Category: General

Catholic School Council Update

At our CSC meeting last Wednesday, elections for the executive of CSC were held. Congratulations to: Tony Lacaria (Chair), Rosemary Stalteri-Barranca (Vice Chair), Alex Russo (Treasurer), and Nancy DaSilva (OPACE representative).  For a complete list of all members:

The next virtual CSC meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 17th @ 7:00 pm

Terry Fox Walk is Monday, October 4th

St. Gabriel the Archangel School is proud to be participating in this year’s Terry Fox School Run. Let’s show everyone how we can “try like Terry”!. Donate to: Together, we can all make a difference. #terryfoxschoolruns #tryliketerry @terryfoxfoundation

In honour of this day, students are encouraged to wear Red and White on Monday! ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Walk is Monday, October 4th"