
News Stories

Catholic Education Week @ St. Gabriel the Archangel

Catholic Education Week began May 6th and continues until May 11th. Activities at St. Gabriel the Archangel include the Scholastic Book Fair (all week in the Library) and Rosary Devotions to Mother Mary on May 10th @ 9:10 am (JK- Gr. 3) and @ 10:45 am (Gr. 4-8).


Congratulations to the following classes for having the highest chocolate sales: Ms. Delbove’s FDK class, Ms. Troiano’s Grade 6 class, and Ms. Aresta’s Grade 7 classes. Each of these classes has earned a free pizza lunch from the CSC which they will receive on Tuesday, May 8th. Chapters Gift cards for individual prizes will arrive shortly and will be distributed accordingly.

  ... Continue reading "Congratulations….."

First Communion

Congratulations to the Grade 2 students upon receiving the sacrament of Holy First Communion this Sunday (May 6th) @ Immaculate Conception Parish at 12:30 p.m.

Oral Communications @ SGA

Just a reminder that Oral Communications (Speeches) will take place on:

Tuesday, April 17 @ 1:15 pm for the Junior Division

Wednesday, April 18 @ 1:15 pm for the Intermediate Division

All members of the St. Gabriel the Archangel school community are welcome to attend.